Are you currently receiving benefits or tax credits?

Some benefits and tax credits are ending and being replaced by Universal Credit.

Move to Universal Credit

Find out if you’ll be asked to move from your current benefits.


Universal Credit explained

What is Universal Credit? Find out who it’s for and how it can work for you.


When you need to apply for Universal Credit 

Find out when you may get your Universal Credit Migration Notice letter.


Steps you need to take to move to Universal Credit

Find out how to prepare for your claim and how to apply.


What you’ll get on Universal Credit

Find out about your payment and financial protection.


Support and independent advice

Get confidential help with making your claim over the phone.

Read Paul’s story on moving to Universal Credit.

Moving to Universal Credit may feel like a big change, but many people have found support through their local Jobcentre.

Universal Credit is a single monthly payment to help with your living costs and provides support if you are working and on a low income or are looking for work.

Find out more about Universal Credit. 

The following government benefits and tax credits are ending and being replaced by Universal Credit:

  • Child Tax Credit
  • Working Tax Credit
  • Housing Benefit
  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)

Look out for a letter called a Universal Credit Migration Notice from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) explaining what you’ll need to do and when. You can find out when you’re likely to be asked to move to Universal Credit.

When you receive your Migration Notice letter, it’s important you check the date that you will need to claim by as you won’t be moved automatically. Do not worry, your letter will give you instructions to follow. Meanwhile, you can start to prepare for your move to Universal Credit.

Find out how much you’re likely to get on Universal Credit, with an estimate from an online benefits calculator.

Your current benefits will end as soon as you submit your claim for Universal Credit. You will not be able to go back to your existing government benefit once you have claimed.

Find out about the support available to you and who to speak to for independent advice.

If you are in Northern Ireland, please visit NI Direct.